Yoga Classes

We specialise in contemporary Vinyasa Yoga, with our signature Cosmic Flows drawing predominantly on the work of Pattabhi Jois (Ashtanga).

We offer a range of heated & unheated yoga classes.

The Cosmic Flows & Yoga Conditioning are practiced in a heated space (approx. 32 degrees).

Unheated yoga classes include Slow Flow, Yin Yang & YIN Yoga.

  • There is an evenness to Cosmic Flow 1, that brings about a feeling of arriving back into your body. Opening with philosophy and wisdom, pulled from the Sutras, Cosmic Flow 1 works towards a peak yoga pose.

    Some repetition of Surya Namaskar and yoga sequence, enables a point of reference for awareness, making it more than just a work out. Here you will have the opportunity to experience your unique expression of a peak pose, such as, backbends, inversions, splits and arm balances.

    General Vibe: Upbeat, Familiar & Joyful

  • Cosmic Flow 2 elicits a feeling of quiet, strength and fluidity. In this yoga class, various methods of pranayama are employed to create clarity of mind and intention. Through awakening the core, you will set up for an aware practice, with particular attention to chaturanga.

    Opportunities will be available throughout to build heat and resilience, utilising longer holds and mindful transitions. Building a creative sequence and finally flowing altogether. A sense of connection can be experienced thanks to moving rhythmically and in unison with one another.

    General vibe: Graceful & Determined

  • A strength and functional mobility class specific to a sustainable practice of yoga, which uses the same mindful principles of breath for increased cardiovascular fitness.

    This heated yoga class includes high / low intensity repetition and some use of props to improve flexibility – reducing any joint related limitations which may lead to compensation patterns.

    Suitable for yogis looking to increase their stamina.

  • A Hatha style of practiced, focused on alignment and breaking down more challenging postures. Designed for students with a regular practice to foster a deeper understanding of each pose and explore advanced variations in a supportive and integrated way. Expect to increase your strength, mobility and flexibility, and take your regular practice to the next level. Modifications tailored to each student.

    Please note:

    Class will be gently heated (approx. 24 degrees).

    This is an extended 90 minute class.

  • Slow Flow calls on the fluid intelligence of the body – think gliding through honey! Movement in and out of yoga poses are able to be taught with more specificity and postures are held for longer, making it possible to feel into sensations with awareness.

    The slow nature of this yoga class is what makes it suitable for both beginner and advanced yogis. Allowing students more time to suitably evaluate makes it a more sustainable practice.

    It can be hard to ‘go slow’ when so much of our programming is to ‘go fast’. However, getting comfortable with this quieter pace can lead to strength, stability and an affection for ones body as well an appreciation for the things it can do.

    The perfect place to establish a practice (sadhana). Ideal for all ages and abilities. Modifications offered.

  • Yin speaks to a feminine, passive and cooling energy whilst Yang describes a more masculine, dynamic and warming energy.

    Yin Yoga has roots in China and Taoist theory and Yang Yoga is typically associated with Indian asana and vinyasa. By combining the two styles of yoga in this heated class we aim to improve energy levels and fitness while promoting relaxation and healing.

    The Yin aspect aims to target connective tissue while the Yang aspect seeks to address the muscles.

    Ideal for yogis looking to achieve physical and spiritual balance.

  • Yin Yoga is a softer, more traditional style of yoga and compliments a stronger, dynamic practice. It involves long holds of 3-5 minutes, designed to improve connective tissue (tendons, ligaments & fascia) and flow of energy.

    All the great systems of the body are ensheathed in connective tissue, a web-like communication network, which tells the cells how to function in response to various forms of tension, compression and movement. Yin poses create and maintain moderate levels of stress on the connective tissue, in order to create strong and flexible joints with greater range of motion.

    Understanding life force, known as chi/prana, as well as channels called meridians/nadis, is an essential component of Yin. The power of yin is in time, rather than muscular effort. Yin yoga cultivates patience, gratitude and contentment – teaching you to relax and let go.

    A highly therapeutic yoga class – suitable for everybody.

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